A unique way of learning requires a unique app

Learn YOUR way as you discover more about your metacognition. With access to a (growing) list of 100+ Typeforms* you can meet your needs, anytime, anywhere.

About the App

Learn more about the app, how it works, and how it can help from our library below.

  • ChoiceIQ Assessment

    Start with our introductory quiz as a first timer to find your strengths and goals to improve. Continue to take it every so often to see if your practice is paying off. This will help you figure out which element of metacognition to train first

  • Curiosity Assessment

    In order to see what you need to train, you first need to see where you must start. Take the questionnaire, get your score, and begin your practice in Curiosity, the element of discovery when solving any problem.

  • Focus Assessment

    Take the questionnaire to see how your Focus skills are! Remember, this is only a starting point for how you can learn to prioritize the most important things in your life. Remember to practice and come back to see how you’ve improved!

  • Drive Assessment

    See your starting score to know where to begin your training on Drive, the measure that pushes you to go through your plan and complete tasks towards your goal. As you practice come back to see how you’ve improved in solving problems