Download the ChoiceIQ App!

Unlock your potential with practical, scenario-based training to help you make the best choice. Download now to get started.


What is Choice IQ?

Your Choice IQ is a measurement of your metacognition, or ‘how’ you make your decisions. ChoiceIQ the app helps you learn, assess and train different aspects of your thinking and choice-making. By understanding your starting point, you can visualize and successfully progress your metacognition.


How does it work?

At ChoiceIQ, we use interactive scenarios, storytelling and art to help you build strategies for managing your stress. Choice IQ is supported by a learning and training system developed by the scientists of Meseekna, where we study how a strong understanding and application of metacognition and complexity theory in your everyday life can help you perform better and make better choices.

Why practice?

Among several reasons to improve metacognition:

  • It is a scientifically validated method for personal stress management, especially for people living in conditions of VUCAD (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, and Delayed Feedback)

  • Studies show that improving your metacognition leads to improved job performance and a higher salary


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